Teléfono 24h

981 621 992

More than 25 years providing funeral services

Our aim has always been, and will always be, to combine personal and professional attention so as to be by your side during the most difficult times.


Consult all the information about the latest deaths.

Mrs. Emilia Porto López

Funeral wake
&nbsp | Room: 4
12 February , 2025 from 18:00

Mr. Manuel Fernández Portela “Muñiz”

Funeral wake
&nbsp | Room: 3
12 February , 2025 from 11:00

Long-lasting, quality flowers


We have a vast catalogue of flowers for you to show your affection during the most delicate moments, wherever you are.

funeral parlours

At Funeraria Apóstol we have three fully equipped funeral parlours to provide the best service to families for the most difficult moments.

Eiroa Funeral Parlour

Avda. Almeiras, 1, A Telva, Culleredo, 15174

Arteixo Funeral Parlour

Avda. Apóstolo Santiago, 10, 15142, Arteixo

Sada Funeral Parlour

Lugar o Tarabelo, 58, Sada, 15160 A Coruña

We are with you at all times. Trust in our professionalism and we will manage everything you need during the process.


National and international transfers

Florist’s service

Gravestones, planters and plaques

Management and processing of documentation